Thought Designers

Thought Designers online courses teach the thinking and communication that systematically achieves goals.

Learn online how to design thoughts!

Thought designing started over 40 years ago with a thought.

“Strive for the day when there will be, humanity living in harmony.
A world united where all belong, healing the weak makes everyone strong.
Tears of suffering are no longer shed, when the hunger for power stops being fed.
A world with people of all different kinds, will come together when we use our minds.”

—- Steve Boyley.

Steve spent 20 years learning and testing thought designs in business and personal situations to find out what works and what doesn’t. Since then, he spent another 20 years providing private consulting to individuals and corporations as well as teaching international seminars.

Each year, people from all over the world came to Steve for training on NLP, Advanced Communication Skills, Personal Change, Persuasion and Hypnotherapy. The training courses were 8 days long and held at a location in Canada, Europe, The Middle East or Asia. Most students had to fly in, spending more than $6000 to get Steve’s training.

People love Steve’s 8 day live training and these online courses may even be better!

Problem with live: Many students have a specific problem they want to solve and have to wait until the day the training covers the solutions they need.

Solution: Being able to skip straight to the solutions a student needs first, is better.

Problem with live: 8 day training uses nested loops that spread information about each topic throughout the training. To review a single topic requires watching a recording of the entire 8 day training.

Solution: Being able to review each topic on it’s own to refresh your memory or improve your understanding, is better.

Problem with live: There was never a satisfactory label/identity for people with these skills. While saying that you are a Communication Skills Specialist is OK on a resume, telling people in a social setting that you are a Communication Skills Specialist, Hypnotherapist, Hypnotist, Neuro-linguistic Programmer or NLPer, will make people wonder if you are analysing them and be cautious around you.

Solution: An identity like ‘Thought Designer’ or ‘Skilled Communicator’, that’s less about analysing and more about helping, is better.

Problem with live: Many people waited a long time, sometimes years, to afford the cost of getting these skills.

Solution: Having these skills sooner, like right now, is better.

  • It’s online so you don’t have to wait!
    • Take this training whenever and wherever you want to.
  • Designed for your phone, tablet or computer.
    • Can switch back and forth from one device to the other.
  • Lesson topics are presented in our recommended order.
    • Or, choose whatever order you want.
    • Review topics as many times as you want.
  • Easy to stop and continue later.
    • Course resume button on your Dashboard.
    • Overall course progress and tasks you’ve completed.
    • You know exactly where you were and where to continue.

We are Thought Designers.

Thought Designers

Define their own reality.
Create their own thoughts.
Build their own experience.
Change the future.

Thought designers are motivated knowing that they are just one thought away.

“Powerful, Fun, Life Changing, Practical, Rejuvenating.
Highly acclaimed by customers in over 30 countries.
See 94 reviews of Steve Boyley’s training